English 2F
Class/Self Evaluation

Purpose: To review your progress this semester, to offer suggestions and advice for next semester.

Overview: I use these evaluations to plan for next semester, and appreciate constructive criticism. Your frankness will be much appreciated.

A thousand thanks!

Instructions: Answer each question in as little or as much depth as you wish.

  • What did you consider to be the most interesting or helpful idea, assignment or reading from this semester? Why?
  • What was the least helpful or interesting idea, assignment or reading? Why?
  • Did you ever use the class website? If so, did you feel it helped you in your progress, or did it get in your way?  
  • Do you feel prepared for higher levels of academic work, in English or other disciplines?
  • What questions or concerns do you still have about your progress as a writer or a student?
  • What advice would you give other students who are considering taking this class?
  • Any other questions, comments or observations?