English 1B
Gavilan College

English 1B
Seminars 8 and 9

Nabokov's Lolita

Directions: Read Lolita.  Choose two questions and write a 3-5 paragraph response for each question. Include at least one quote for each response.

Extra Credit opportunity: Choose one extra question and answer with 3-5 paragraphs.

  •  How are women and girls portrayed in the book? What is the distinction between the two in Humbert Humbert’s mind?  What shapes his views about women?  How does he describe them, and how are we meant to feel about the women in his life?  How does he describe the girls in his life, and how are we meant to view them?
  • How is “childhood” depicted in the book? What is presented as “normal” behavior for a 12 year old girl? How does Lolita fit that portrayal of a normal girl? How does she deviate from it?
  • How is American culture presented in the book?  What, according to Humbert, is a “typical” American, as embodied by Charlotte Haze and her friends?  How does Humbert describe the American landscape? How does he view American taste in decoration, in manners and in behavior?
  • What masks do the characters in the book wear? Give at least three examples of characters playing at being things they are not, and explain why the characters wear these masks. What do they hope to accomplish by pretending to be what they are not?
  • How complicit is Lolita?  Is she responsible for any part of her situation in the book? Why or why not?
  • How does Humbert manipulate Lolita, before and after they become lovers?  How does he re-create her identity to suit himself and his designs on her? To what extent does she go along with his attempts to recreate her, and to what extent does she resist?
  • How does Humbert try to defend himself to his audience? How does he attempt to justify his behavior toward Lolita and all the other nymphets in his life?  Describe his code of honor, and explain how he tries to convince us (ladies and gentlemen of the jury) that he is not a monster? Do we believe him? Why or why not?
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