English 1B
Gavilan College

Seminar 3

O'Brien's The Things They Carried

Directions: Read  The Things They Carried . Choose one question and write a 3-5 paragraph response. Include plenty of specific references to the text and at least one quote.

1. How are each of the characters developed? In other words, what do we know about the characters, and how do we know those things about them? How does O'Brien reveal to us what the characters are like? Why do you think he chose to develop the characters as he did?

2. How does O'Brien handle the plot of this story? How is information revealed to the reader - in a linear fashion, or does O'Brien distort the narrative arc? Try to think of at least one reason why he might have arranged the plot as he did.

3. What symbols do you find among the things the men carried? How do the objects reveal something important about the man who carried them? Why do you think O’Brien chose to use symbols to give us a sense of who these men were?