English 1B
Gavilan College

Seminar 2

Steinbeck's The Chrysanthemums and Jackson's The Lottery

Directions:  Choose one question for each story and write a short (2-4 paragraph) response for each.  Use quotes from the story in your response.

The Chrysanthemums

  1. What various symbolic meanings do the chrysanthemums suggest? Are any of the meanings in conflict with one another?
  2. Describe the changes in character that Elisa undergoes in the story, and suggest a reason behind each change.  Where does she finally end up?
  3. Discuss the theme of desire in the story.  Who desires what, and who ultimately gets what they want?
  4. What do you think is missing in Elisa's life?  What would she need to be fulfilled as a woman? As a human being?

The Lottery

  1. Describe the setting of the story.  What effect does Jackson's description of the weather and the town have on the reader's expectations for the story?
  2. How does Jackson set up the readers' expectations in the story?  What do we expect from the opening paragraphs?  Does she give any hints that the story will end as it does, or does the ending come as a complete surprise?
  3. What do you infer the purpose of the lottery to be?  Why do these people participate in it?  Why is it important to the community?

Free Choice: create another question about either story, and write a response.

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