English 1B - Seminar 6

Cold Mountain and Sociocultural Theory


  • Read the book Cold Mountain.
  • Pick one of the following questions and answer with a 3-5 paragraph response:

    Race: How does Frazier depict race relations in the book?  Give examples of how power is unequally distributed in the society according to race. What are the characters’ observations about race relations? What do you think Frazier is suggesting about the nature of race and power in this culture?

    Class: How does Frazier depict class relations in the book? What are the expectations for the members of certain classes?  How do members of the classes interact with one another? Do you see power disparity in the way the class system is set up? What do you think Frazier is suggesting about the nature of class relations in this community and in the United States?

    Gender: What are the expectations for gender and sex in the book? What constitutes an ideal woman and an ideal man? Do you see power imbalances between the genders?  What do you think Frazier thinks of the way gender and sex roles are determined in this country, both then and now?


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