English 1B
Midterm Self Evaluation

Purpose: To review your progress so far, to offer suggestions and advice for the second half of the semester.

Overview: I use these evaluations to plan for the rest of the semester, and appreciate constructive criticism. Your frankness will be much appreciated.

A thousand thanks!

Instructions: Answer each question in as little or as much depth as you wish.

  • How is the class going in general for you? Are you satisfied with your progress? Why or why not?
  • What barriers have you had to overcome this semester? How have you worked to overcome them?
  • What parts of your reading and writing are you still struggling with? In what areas do you still need help or practice?
  • Do you ever use the class website? If so, did you feel it helped you in your progress, or did it get in your way?  
  • Have you used any of the resources on the class website? If so, have you found them helpful?
  • What did you think when you first heard we were going to read Harry Potter? Did you enjoy it, overall? What was the experience of analyzing it like? Did it give you a deeper appreciation of the book, or get in the way of your enjoyment? Both? Neither? Would you recommend that I use it again in this class next semester? Why or why not?
  • Is there anything else you want to aske me or tell me about your progress, about the class or anything else? Any other questions, comments or observations?