English 1B - Composition and Literature

Intro to Formalism and New Criticism

These two very similar approaches to literature involve a close reading of the text itself.  Formalist and New Critics look only at the language and elements of the text, and disregard the context in which the text was written or received.

The main thing to consider when approaching a work of literature from the formalist or new critic's point of view is to analyze how all the elements of the piece (plot, point of view, character, tone and style, symbolism, setting and theme) work together to create a certain effect on the reader.  

A formalist or new critic perspective demands lots of evidence from the primary source. When interpreting a text using this approach, you'll need to identify quotes and specific references that support your ideas about what the text is "saying" to the reader.


Formalist Criticism
Definition of Formalism

New Criticism

New Criticism

New Criticism Explained

Definition of New Criticism

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