English 1B - Gavilan College
Formal Analysis Essay #1
1500-1800 words (5-6 pages)


Purpose: To demonstrate familiarity with the elements of short fiction and with formalist theory, to practice the steps in the writing process and produce a polished, college level essay in MLA format.

Directions: Choose one of the following options:

1. A close reading and analysis.

Choose one of one of the works we’ve read so far (Poe, Jackson, Steinbeck, Carver or O'Brien). The goal will be to reveal your insights about the work in question, and bring your reader to a deeper understanding of some aspect of that work.

You would probably begin by looking over the list of works we’ve read so far, and choosing one that especially interested you.  Think about what is was in that piece that interested you the most.  Was it the plot? The character/s?  Perhaps the author examined a specific theme that resonated with you.  Or you could examine how point of view is used in the story to illustrate a point.  Maybe you’re interested in the way the author uses symbolism, or maybe you were taken with a particular author’s style.  Compare and contrast several elements within one story, or compare how different authors treat similar themes or subjects.  You might choose to analyze how one theme is treated in two different stories, or compare and contrast the style of one author to that of another, or examine how two different authors use another element of formalism to get a point across.You might be interested in how the author’s personal history contributed to or influenced the writing of the piece.  Maybe you want to examine how the story reveals an author’s viewpoint about the historical circumstances in which he or she was writing. 

No matter what approach you choose, the thesis will be the crucial factor determining the strength of your paper.  It must be narrow enough to permit a thorough examination in 5-6 pages, but must be broad enough for the text to provide clear evidence.  Evidence must be well chosen from the text, and specific quotes must be appropriate to the idea they are exemplifying. 

Often it is helpful to look at what other writers and critics have said about the work you’ve chosen. You may choose (and are encouraged) to do some outside research, though it is not mandatory.  Please be advised that if you use ideas and/or quotes from an outside source, you must cite them in the body of your paper, as well as in a separate bibliography, in MLA style. Plagiarism will result in an automatic 0 for the paper, and may lead to a recommendation to the Dean for disciplinary action.

2. A narrative essay.

Write a short story, using the principles of formalist theory, and then explain why you made the narrative choices you did. Think deeply about how you want to handle plot, setting, character, theme, symbolism, point of view, tone and style and imagery as you write. Then, when your story is done, write a page on how you made your formal decisions. Include one paragraph on each of the formal elements listed above, and be as thorough as you can in your explanation of why you made the decision to handle it as you did.

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