English 1A
Essay #4 - Research Essay
3000 - 3600 words (10-12 pages)


To practice the techniques for creating and evaluating a strong argument
To practice research skills, including searching and evaluating sources, incorporating information, properly citing sources and avoiding plagiarism, and using proper MLA format.


In Essay #3, you argued your issue from the point of view opposite your own.. Now you get to argue what you actually do believe.  You will tear down the arguments that you presented in Essay #3, as well as add a few more points and ideas to further strengthen your thesis.  Additionally, you will be using research to back up your ideas.


1.   Read over the materials on Argument and Research (modules 4 and 5).
2.   Choose a topic. You completed this step for Essay #3.

3.   Ask a series of questions to expand your ideas.
4.   Plan a search strategy.
5.   Find and Evaluate Sources
6.   Gather and Manage Information
7.   Formulate a thesis      
8.   Organize your points, including research findings and your own ideas, into an outline.
9.   Write a rough draft, incorporating research in the form of quotes, paraphrases and summaries.                     
10. Revise draft and cite with proper MLA format.
11. Save your work as a .doc or a .rtf document, and submit it as an attachment.    
12. Relax in the sun with your favorite beverage!  Woohoo!

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