English 1A - Narrative Essay
Self Evaluation

The objective of this evaluation is to scrutinize your own writing process, identify the areas that are giving you trouble, and to plan a strategy for overcoming any barriers in the future. As such, you will need to provide a detailed, honest answer for each question in order to receive full credit for this exercise.

1. Why did you choose this subject for your essay? What made it a compelling story?

2. What was the most challenging part of this essay? What was your favorite part?  Why?

3. What did you learn about yourself during the course of this assignment? (this doesn't necessarily have to be about you as a writer - it could be any realization about yourself, your learning process, your goals, or your personality.)

4. Who is your intended audience for this essay? Who might you want to show this to, and how will they benefit from reading this story?

5. How much time did you spend on this essay, including planning, drafting and revising? Was it enough time?

6. What, if any, benefit did you get from this assignment? How can you use the principles and practices from this essay in the future?

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