English 1A - Essay #5 - Literary Analysis Essay, Self Evaluation

The objective of this evaluation is to scrutinize your own writing process, identify the areas that are giving you trouble, and to plan a strategy for overcoming any barriers in the future. As such, you will need to provide a detailed, honest answer for each question in order to receive full credit for this exercise.

1. Have you ever done a literary analysis before? Did you feel prepared for this one?

2. What was the easiest or most enjoyable part of this essay for you?

3. What were the challenges of this assignment, and how did you address those challenges?

4. How much did you rely on the reading assignments? Would you recommend the supplementary websites to future classes? Why or why not?

5. How much time did you spend on this essay, including all the prep work? Was it enough time?

6. What is your overall opinion of the book?  Would you recommend that I keep it on the list for future classes? Why or why not?

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